Haskap Berry Yogurt Bark

Haskap Berry Yogurt Bark

cooking time icon Cooking time 3 hours
preparing time icon Prep time 15 minutes
servings icon Servings portions 8



  •  1 ¼  cup plain or vanilla Greek yogurt 
  • 1 sachet of Pure Haskap Berry Powder 
  • 2 tbsp honey 
  • Granola 
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Berries of choice
  • Dried fruit of choice –  (cranberries are pictured)


  1.  Prepare a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Mix one cup of yogurt with 1 tbsp of water. This will help the yogurt spread more easily on the baking sheet. Spread the yogurt evenly across the prepared cookie sheet.
  3. Mix the haskap berry sachet with the remaining ¼ cup of yogurt. Add a splash of water.
  4. Add dollops of the haskap yogurt on top of the plain yogurt on the cookie sheet and swirl with a spoon or toothpick.
  5. Drizzle with honey. 
  6. Sprinkle with granola, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, strawberries, or anything that you’d like!
  7. Place in the freezer for 3 hours, or until very firm. Break into pieces and store in the freezer 


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